ðUpdate Version 3.0 - WinLabelð This file is used to track updates and misc information. The following is a list of files included with the shareware distribution: WinLabel.EXE - WinLabel executable Þ WinLabel.WRI - WinLabel documentation - MS Write format Þ must WinLabel.HLP - WinLabel help file Þ be VBrun200.DLL - Dynamic link library, Microsoft Corp Þ included CMDialog.VBX - Common dialog file, Microsoft Corporation Þ in COMMDlg.DLL - Dynamic link library, Microsoft Corporation Þ any QPro200.DLL - Dynamic link library, Crescent Software Þ distrib. CSGroup.VBX - Dynamic link library, Crescent Software Þ of CSText.VBX - Dynamic link library, Crescent Software Þ the Readme.TXT - Update information - this file Þ product, Þ others License.TXT - License agreement Þ may Vendor.TXT - 3rd party vendor agreement and information Þ be Disclaim.TXT - Disclaimer on what software will/will not doÞ missing. Register.TXT - Product registration form Þ The following files þþmayþþ be included on the distribution disk - they are used for automatic installation only and are not required Setup.LST Ý These files may be missing from the distribution StartUp.INI Ý they are only needed for automatic installation. Setup.EXE Ý SetupKit.DLL Ý Some files may have an extension ending with as Ver.DLL Ý underscore character i.e. Ver.DL_. These are not DDEml.DLL Ý compressed files, see notes below... þþ Note: þþ Some files may have the last letter of their extension replaced with an underscore, i.e. SetupKit.DL_ this is to insure the install routine does not execute the files on the installation disk, Unlike the typical Microsoft installation, no files included in the WinLabel distribution are compressed. The files are in their original state - only the extension was changed. This insures proper automatic installation. þþFor manual installation -- Setup.EXE not included or failsþþ It is not necessary for the automatic installation files to be included in the distribution. This is done to reduce the size of the final compressed file used by BBS systems and shareware distributors. Follow the rules below if the distribution does not have Setup.EXE or automatic installation fails. Copy WinLabel.EXE, WinLabel.HLP, and WinLabel.WRI files into a directory of your choice. They should be on the DOS path for proper help file operation. The various text files should be read and understood -- print them if you like. They are not needed for proper operation of WinLabel. The following library files (extensions ending with .DLL and VBX) should be copied to the Windows\System subdirectory: VBrun200.DLL, CmDialog.VBX, COMMDlg.DLL, QPro200.DLL, CSGroup.VBX, and CSText.VBX. Any files that have an extension ending with the underscore character must be renamed. Simply replace the underscore character, "_" with the letter "L". Example CmDialog.DL_ should be renamed to CmDialog.DLL. No action is required with automatic installation. VBRun200.DLL may not be included with the distribution to reduce the size of the compressed file. If the distribution does not include VBRun200.DLL, a dynamic link library from Microsoft, it is available on most BBS systems. This file and the automatic installation system is included on any distribution from Practice Marketing Services. All other files listed above must be included with any distribution -- BBS, shareware vendor, or other. Please distribute this software package, WinLabel(TM) with friends and associates. But, distribute it in its entirety. Do not distribute some of the files, please distribute all of them. And, do not change or alter any of the files in any way. To install WinLabel - Run Setup1.EXE for auto install ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß - For manual install ... Place the WinLabel EXE, WRI, HLP, and TXT files together in a common directory. The DLL, and VBX files should be placed into the Windows' System subdirectory. Update Information - version 3.0 1. WinLabel given new opening screen and provided a new 3D look 2. Better control over user input is coded into WinLabel 3. Large directory information is now allowed, i.e. hardrive directories 4. Sorted output is now provided, i.e. DOS sort, name & extension sort 5. Printed label position handled better 6. Note label provides left, right & centered note justification option 7. Warning provided if the printer is in the landscape mode - labels 8. Smaller fonts allowed - 6 point for data, 4 point for label info lines 9. Speed has been improved in many areas 10. Winlabel.ini file generated to track user settings Noted Problems - version 3.0 1. If 3 files exist in a directory a null name will replace the third file. This results in improper label printing - although all count data and size information will be correct. Use the drop down list to check for this condition. If the null file name exists do not print a label. An update will be issued when the fault is corrected and a new library is provided to Practice Marketing Services from the 3rd party supplier. 2. LaserJet users - some laser printers are unable to properly function when font sizes are less than 6 point. The file data, label date/time, and label edge title are normally printed with a 4 point font. If you experience problems include the following command line option to force the file data, label date/time, and label edge title to a 6 point font. command line = "/l" or "/L" example ... [Winlabel.EXE /l] or WinLabel.EXE /L] This will limit all fonts to a minimum size of 6 points. With no command line ... i.e. [WinLabel.EXE] ... the minimum font size allowed is reduced to 4 points, and the file data, label date/time, and label edge title will print at 4 point. End of version 3.0 update -- ð07/02/92ð WinLabel v2.0b released Corrected problems with font selection. WinLabel should work fine with True Type and Windows 3.1 now. WinLabel errors associated with the error message "Property ...", etc have been corrected. WinLabel will only allow the use of scalable fonts such as True Type, Adobe Type Manager, etc. If you don't have some scalable font manager use the scalable fonts that came with Windows - Modern, Roman, or Script. Automatic load program is included with this shareware version to help minimize the installation process. Thanks for you support; Robert L. Amans RL Amans ð04/16/92ð WinLabel v2.0 released Includes the following enhancements: 1. Speed increased for listbox load and clear 2. Support for abort/stop when searching disk 3. Memory monitor that stops listbox load prior to a memory fault 4. Automatic install system added, semi-automatic erase system added ð11/21/91ð WinLabel updated to include 3-D look on support forms. Revision level stays at v1.0 but ".EXE" date revised to 11/21/91. Also corrected the disk file "Reset" function to correctly erase the newly created disk file when the "RESET" button is hit. The menu of the main form was revised to include access to the printer control panel via PSetUp.DLL. ð 10/31/1991 ð Because the file sizes of the final version have grown you will find the dynamic link libraries are provided in archived format. Type the following command to place the libraries in a directory of your choice. DLL_ZIP example ... DLL_ZIP d:\windows will unarchive and put the two DLL files on the "d" drive in the "windows" subdirectory. The remainder of the files can be copied directly onto the drive and placed into the directory of your choice.